TripoliWisconsin > rocketforum > Post

Frank Nobile

Total Topics: 221
Total Posts: 73
TWA will be conducting a launch at Richard Bong Saturday and Sunday, (October 10th and 11th)

As mentioned in the past,
TWA requires you bring your own mask to be worn when socializing (6 feet) in the parking area.

Sorry, TWA will not be supplying masks.

Masks must be worn at all times when near and crossing the causeway and launch area.

Masks must be worn at all times when registering or requesting a flight card, rocket inspection by the RSO and waiting in the flight line.

When registering your rocket, you will be required to recognize and sign the TRA waiver and a covid-19 waiver. Yes, I know this may not hold legalities but it may send a message to others who plan on attending.

If you have been feeling sick or you have been recently tested positive for the coronavirus “do not attend this event”.

If you don’t care to follow all of TWA’s safe guideline requests “do not attend this event”

The mandated group required by the WDNR is 50. We will try our best to maintain the requirement by organized parking by rows of 10 wide (East & West) x 5 deep (north & South) along with keeping a safe social distance from your neighboring flier. Cones may be set up by TWA to keep parking organized.

To maintain the group requirements, TWA suggest limiting additional family members.
If TWA feels that the event is way over the group limit or the safe guidelines are not adhered to, we will shut down the launch.

Also, besides PPE usage, wear appropriate apparel and footwear if you plan on rocket recovery.

Be safe

Oct 09, 20 8:36 am

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