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Thank's for attending TWA in 2008
Frank Nobile

Total Topics: 221
Total Posts: 73
I would like to thank you all who attended, helped out, spectated, showed your interests and skills in this hobby this year.

Also, I would like to specially thank Dan Byra, Bob Justus and Peggy Unger for their dedicated services. Do you guys realize we've been doing this for over ten years.

Next launch will be sometime in January 09. watch for up-dates. I heard there might be a 2008 TWA DVD coming soon later in the year or early 09.---- Cool, it's about time!

Frank Nobile - President TWA

Oct 01, 08 10:28 pm
Frank Nobile

Total Topics: 221
Total Posts: 73
Oops! I forgot to thank Mr. Pb (Paul) our TWA web master for doing a excellent job updating this site with the very little time he has. Many, many thanks Paul!

Oct 02, 08 10:30 pm

Total Topics: 13
Total Posts: 26
I would like to thank Frank, Dan, Bob, Peggy, Paul and everybody else that helps out at the TWA launches. It’s more work than people realize to make this happen and most of us just come out, launch, leave and don’t think anything of it. There is a lot to set up and take down every launch. And if somebody flies an M skid at the away pad then there is that to clean up…. not naming names on that one. Bottom line is they do a great job and deserve a lot of credit for their dedication. Thank you to all of you.

Thanks, Vern

Oct 03, 08 10:17 pm

Total Topics: 5
Total Posts: 23
Thanks to Frank, Dan, Bob and Peggy for their dedication to our hobby for over a decade of building TWA We have the most organized, safe and enjoyable launches on the planet because of their efforts. Then there is their support for Rockets for schools! Can't thank you guys enough!

Jan 20, 09 10:45 pm

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