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Research Launch - September 2008
Frank Nobile

Total Topics: 221
Total Posts: 73
Don't forget, there will be a Research Launch (EX) on Sunday September 28th 2008. TWA will not be able to certify level 1,2 or 3 on that day only. Impulse limit will be an L for EX.

All other certified motors 1/4A to M's are welcomed both days 27th and 28th.

Aug 20, 08 8:40 pm

Total Topics: 2
Total Posts: 3
This cert ruling was just changed in Argonia on Sat. night, Aug. 30th, and, in fact, several people were certified during Monday's Research launch. History making!


Sep 05, 08 2:49 pm
Frank Nobile

Total Topics: 221
Total Posts: 73
Ok! Checked it out. It's true. So I guess we can have a Research Launch both days.

Sep 05, 08 11:19 pm

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