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🚀🚀 September Launch
Frank Nobile

Total Topics: 221
Total Posts: 73
Hi everyone,
Tim and Jacki Lehr from Wildman Hobbies will be hosting their annual costumer appreciation lunch day on Saturday, September 22. Fly your projects and enjoy the camaraderie.

Sep 08, 18 7:27 pm
Chris Roemer

Total Topics: 0
Total Posts: 5
Congrats Frank!

According to my records, Frank certified L3 20 yrs. ago on 10.10.98, on a 5.5" 40# red Excaliber on an M1419 on a "textbook" flight!

(clear, 60s, SW wind < 5mph)

This was my 16th trip to Bong, and even though I'd never seen anything larger than a K there, on this day, an L was flown (Jim Rosson from Kokomo) and 4 Ms, one of which was Frank's. A perfect rocket day.

Sep 29, 18 10:35 am
Frank Nobile

Total Topics: 221
Total Posts: 73
Holy moly! I just cut up that rocket and salvaged the parts. Thanks for the memories. I have it on video too.

Sep 29, 18 11:08 am

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