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Minnie-Magg Drag Race
Greg Olson

Total Topics: 13
Total Posts: 57
Ok rocketeers...Who wants to have a Minnie-Magg drag race. I motor of your choice. Altitude of 1300' or higher. Rocket must be able to fly again, after its flight. Closest to the pads wins. Recovery in one of the ponds....Instant Winner!!!!! Who's with me? Greg Olson P.S. that would be at the Sat. Sept. 24th launch. In case of rain out...Sun. Sept. 25th. Stock Minnie-Magg with a 38mm or 54 mm motor.

Sep 09, 16 8:53 pm
Greg Olson

Total Topics: 13
Total Posts: 57
Ok guys and gals....Who wants to Drag Race their Minnie- Maggs tomorrow? I motor, your choice, min. of 1300' or higher. Closest to the pad. Launch at !:30. Greg Olson

Sep 23, 16 6:43 pm

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