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Motor Casings

Total Topics: 1
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Hey Guys, I was a Tripoli WI member about 12 years ago and havent flown since then. I still have all my motor casings and would like to sell them to someone who could use them. Here is what I have.

Dr rocket RMS 54/1706
Dr rocket RMS 54/852
DR rocket RMS 54/1280
(missing seal ring)

Dr rocket RMS 38/480
Dr rocket RMS 38/240
Dr rocket RMS 38/360
Dr rocket RMS 38/600
Dr Rocket RMS 38/1080 complete motor

Dr Rocket RMS 29/240 complete motor
Dr Rocket RMS 29/180

PRO38 P38-3G
PRO DAT Delay adjustment tool

Let me know if you are interested? I am not looking to make a huge profit or anything...they are collecting dust and figured someone may want to buy them.

If this isnt the place to post this kind of thing just let me know.

Nov 12, 14 12:25 pm

Total Topics: 5
Total Posts: 61
Send me a price on what you want for all of them or if you're willing to split it me at



Dec 03, 14 7:39 pm

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