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Lost PML Ariel 18 Aug
Norman Heyen

Total Topics: 6
Total Posts: 4
Nancy flew her PML Ariel at the WOOSH launch on Sunday and we were not able to find it. Yellow lower and Blue upper section with a yellow and purple PML chute with an old black AT 38/480 casing.
Lost to the west of Parking Lot E, not sure how far away, we couldn't get a good judge of distance and spent several hours tramping around looking for it.
If found, please contact Norman Heyen at 815-541-1417 and I'll make it worth your while.


Aug 19, 13 9:01 pm
Frank Nobile

Total Topics: 218
Total Posts: 72
Norm, is that really you! Where have you been. Hope someone finds your rocket.

Aug 20, 13 7:54 pm

Total Topics: 23
Total Posts: 67
I watched her flight and it looked like you guys had a eye on it. I will look around at the next launch for it. Nice to see you out at Bong again. You will have to take Nancy over to Tim's store and get a new kit for her.

Aug 21, 13 5:18 pm
Norman Heyen

Total Topics: 6
Total Posts: 4
Yeah, that is really me. It has been a long time since we've had a blank spot in the calendar with nice weather and able to get out to fly a rocket. I haven't abandoned the hobby but have had a lot of other ways to spend money...

I thought we had a pretty good line on it too but spent about 3 hours looking without finding it. Probably walked by it a couple of times but never saw any trace of it. Hate it when that happens.


Aug 23, 13 10:58 am

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