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September 24/25 launch

Total Topics: 3
Total Posts: 11
I see on the calendar that the next launch dates are Monday the 24th and Tuesday the 25th. I am a Big Brother volunteer and starting to get my Little Brother interested in Rocketry. Since I would have to co-ordinate getting him from his mother and work around his school schedule I was wondering which date would be the best one to take him on since I'm sure we can't come to both.

Sep 14, 11 12:52 am

Total Topics: 3
Total Posts: 11
Duh, Saturday and Sunday. Sorry, it's late and I got work on the brain.

Sep 14, 11 1:00 am

Total Topics: 23
Total Posts: 67
It would be great to have you come to the launch. The Sat. of a 2 day launch seems to have more flyers than Sun. Also watch the weather if one day is better than the other go for that day.
See you there
Gary Pletzer

Sep 14, 11 5:59 pm

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