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I recently certified with Woosh at Bong for Level 1 NAR.

I want to bring two rockets to the Tripoli launch April 17th and would like to launch at least one with a 54mm engine hopefully to certify Level 2 Tripoli. I am told my NAR level 1 is reciprocal so I can go straight to Level 2 Tripoli even though I don't have Level 1 Tripoli. Is that correct? Do I take the written test at the launch or can I take it earlier with a Prefect? I'm in the Chicago area.

Apr 01, 10 10:19 am

Total Topics: 13
Total Posts: 26
I am not sure about if you can transfer from NAR level 1 to Tripoli level 1. You are a Tripoli member correct? You could always fly a level 1 again under Tripoli first that same day. Frank usually has the level 2 tests with him and you can take it right there. You might want to check with him to make sure he brings some. One other thing, Tim Lehr will be at MDRA that weekend, so you will have to pre order the motors you need so his wife brings it out, as his trailer will be out east.

Good Luck, Vern

Apr 03, 10 12:48 am

Total Topics: 13
Total Posts: 20
As long as you have your NAR card with the new L-1 status in print you can cert to L-2. You can always stick with NAR if you are not planning to join TRA. If you want to be able to fly on research dates you should join TRA.

Apr 15, 10 11:56 pm

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