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Lost rocket - REWARD!

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Total Posts: 1
I flew my PML Bullpuppy at Bong Saturday and unfortunately it landed in the middle of the lake!

Not the big lake to the North of the launch site, but the one to the left of it. The rocket seems to be in shallow water, since it is visible on the surface of the lake.

It has a Rocket hunter tracker in it, and uses frequency 219.095.

I am offering $100 to anyone who retrieves it... This is easy money for anyone who has access to a raft or a canoe.

If you have it call me at (630)-809-4315.



Jun 29, 09 8:07 am

Total Topics: 9
Total Posts: 13
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Jul 01, 09 4:36 pm

Total Topics: 1
Total Posts: 1
The rocket and all its components has been recovered today.

Thank you RFJustin!

Jul 03, 09 7:06 pm

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