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Upper Penisula Rocket Launches
Bill Bertoldi

Total Topics: 26
Total Posts: 31
We have tenatives dates for our launches in Michigan's Upper Pennisula
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Saturday September 19, 2008

Launches will start at 10:00 CST

Our web site is

The launch site area is a mini Bong. It is located about 120 miles north of Green Bay Wisconsin in Michigan's Upper Penisula. A list of camping areas and hotels is on the web stie as well. Directions to the site form Green Bay are there as well. Once you reach M-95 the roads are marked with signs to show you how to get to the launch. If you plan on attending the launch please email or give me a call.


Bill Bertoldi
Cell Phone 906-869-2710

Apr 01, 09 8:33 pm
Bill Bertoldi

Total Topics: 26
Total Posts: 31
The dates have been approved and the launches are on

Jan 22, 09 9:39 am

Total Topics: 13
Total Posts: 20
Who wants to go to da U P on June 13th?
My plan includes camping at the Black river falls after the launch and then driving back the following day.
Bring a tent, a rocket, a sleeping bag. I can fit three more in my truck. We can catch wild animals and eat them!
Scott G.

Mar 16, 09 1:02 pm
Bill Bertoldi

Total Topics: 26
Total Posts: 31
No need to catch wild animals at the launch. We will have hot dogs and a cook out at the launch. You are welcome to join us for the launch and have lunch as well.


Mar 17, 09 10:13 pm
Bill Bertoldi

Total Topics: 26
Total Posts: 31
If you would like to see our launch from September 2008 a video of it can be found at

Apr 24, 09 7:33 am

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