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PML Phobos lost Aug 16, S and/or E of pads

Total Topics: 2
Total Posts: 3
On its 26th flight, my 12 yr old yellow/gray Phobos was obscurred by clouds after a perfect deployment at 4200'. On board were my 12 yr old ALTS1 and my 12 yr old 38/360 casing. $40 reward for all 3 items in usable condition. $20 even if casing and altimeter are corroded.

Chris 920-997-1574
TRA 3638

Aug 25, 08 7:52 pm

Total Topics: 2
Total Posts: 3
After 6 wks of hanging in a tree on the runway, a guy from Paddock Lake cut my Phobos down on the day of the TWA Sept. launch, Saturday the 27th!

My wife Debbie and I had just walked a 3 mile search pattern mostly through the open grasslands before leaving the park. On our way out we saw these guys and my rocket by the "wading pools" TWA made at the crossroad back to the paved park road.

The Phobos will fly again, and the casing also fared well. The ALTS1 does some funky stuff on powerup, but I'm gonna talk to adept to see if it can be salvaged.


Sep 28, 08 10:35 pm

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