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Thanks, and req. for video/photos
Paul Smith

Total Topics: 5
Total Posts: 17
Thanks for a great launch and lots of help this weekend. If anyone has photos or video of my gray/white nosecone rocket flying Saturday on a K800 Blue Baboon, I'd love copies.
And you could put the video up here on the site instead of my embarrassing I357 flight (over there, to your left...). Geez, a guy crashes once, and it's all over the internet. Now I know how, well, every celebrity in world feels.


Mar 26, 07 6:06 am

Total Topics: 3
Total Posts: 11
I haven't really had a chance to go through all my photos from that day yet but if you could give me a time frame it would be easier for me to figure out whether I got any pics of that launch.

Mar 26, 07 10:41 am
Paul Smith

Total Topics: 5
Total Posts: 17
Thanks - I flew somewhere around mid-day. I think it was shortly after than M Skidmark went. I imagine right around noon.

Mar 26, 07 11:12 am

Total Topics: 3
Total Posts: 11
Is this the right rocket? If so I have a couple other pics.

Mar 28, 07 2:25 am
Paul Smith

Total Topics: 5
Total Posts: 17
Oh, that's the other one we flew - my students' camera rocket. Nice blue flame. That must be the first flight, on an I435T. Thanks.

The bigger one I'm looking for is earlier in the day than that.

Mar 28, 07 6:35 am
Bill Bertoldi

Total Topics: 26
Total Posts: 31
I have it on our DVD that I am making for our Students at Kingsford. my email is, email me our address and I will get a copy of it to you


Mar 29, 07 11:44 am
Paul Smith

Total Topics: 5
Total Posts: 17
Thanks, Bill. The email is on its way.

Mar 29, 07 11:50 am

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