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Thanks from Kingsford High School
Bill Bertoldi

Total Topics: 26
Total Posts: 31
I wanted to express my thanks and a big thank you from all of our students for the great launch and how well every one was treated. The help we received at the pads and with our rockets. I heard so many positive and nice comments about the launch form our students. I did find the Ultimate Wildman rocket. It flew over the swamp and lake it was at the broken gravel service road about 30 feet into heavy brush just off the road. With a few repairs that rocket will fly again. The bus picked us up n the way out and I did not get a chance to get back and tank everyone. In the near future we will have pictures and video of the launch up on our movie web site at



Mar 25, 07 10:05 am

Total Topics: 13
Total Posts: 26
Bill, Glad you found the rocket and it was not in the water. Let us know what you think happened to the main. Will look forward to the video.

Thanks, Vern

Mar 25, 07 11:12 pm
Bill Bertoldi

Total Topics: 26
Total Posts: 31
We have great video and i will get in on soon. I had on the rocket s**** swtiches to power up the altimeters. The electronics bay was designed to carry other electronic palyloads and it made it alot simpler to turn on the altimeters. The switches were from Newtons 3rd Rocketry. When I checked the altimeters they powered up and worked right way when i disconnected the switch form it. When I cut the switch open the s**** was not in contact with the metal strip on the back of it and pwoer shut off. There were 4 of these swtiches onthe rocket. Two of them were not used but were screwed in. All 4 of the swithes where like that. I believe they that during the flight they openned and shut off power in flight. The rocket is fixable and will fly again. Vern I also have many great p[cutres of your flight and video. the kids lvoed the skidmark, My email is Email me your address and I will throw a DVD and pictures of our rocket int he mail to you


Mar 26, 07 9:58 pm
Bill Bertoldi

Total Topics: 26
Total Posts: 31
I was edited by the program here s**** is a post with threads on it that that you turn in.


Mar 26, 07 10:00 pm
Bill Bertoldi

Total Topics: 26
Total Posts: 31
You can see the launch of your partiot at this address


Mar 29, 07 3:12 pm
Paul Smith

Total Topics: 5
Total Posts: 17
Thanks for the DVD, Bill. Great video.

Apr 22, 07 2:38 pm

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