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Kingsford High School Studnets at March 24th launch |
Bill Bertoldi
We will be at the launch on March 24th with several projects, an 11 foot tall wild man rocket, the V2 that is on the main page to fly on a M1550 if the winds are not to strong, a flying VolleyBall nose cone rocket and much more. We all looking forwarding to seeing you at the launch and thank you for your help in advance. Every one alway treats us great and we do appreciate it alot
Bill Bertoldi Website |
Im out of state on spring break with the family that day otherwise Id love to help Chuck |
Bill Bertoldi
I just did a major update to our movie web page. There are now videos there from our last three launches (2004 - 2006) with Tripoli Wiscosnin. Some of the launches of the first launch of Tripoli Upper Michigan and many other launches at Tripoli Wisconsin. There are also two TV commercials on the web page that have featured our students. If you would like to see them this link will take you there Bill Bertoldi |
Bill Bertoldi
It is always nice to see you there. We wanted to come in April but the April launch is the smae weekend as prom here. We will also be flying two video camera systems that I think would have done very well with what the college teams will be doing in their challenge this year. Last years video can be see here Bill |
Bill Bertoldi
We will not be flying the V2 there will not be enought room to pack it but we will be flying an 11 fott tall 6 inch diameter rocket with a video camera looking down at the motor. You can see a picture of the rocket at the link below Bill |
Bill Bertoldi
I will have DVD's at the March 24th launch of our launch on September 23, 2006 of the launch near Randville, Michigan. Randville is about 120 miles north of GreenBay, Wisconsin. We plan on two launches there this year on Saturday, June 16 and Saturday, Setember 22nd. More information on the launches can be found at