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Suggestions for Altimeter ? |
Hi Webmaster,
Do you have a suggestion for an altimeter for model rocketry? I've never used one and would probably want one that reports peak altitude, and have a drogue and main chute deployment triggers. Thanks..... |
Missler Works RRC2 might be a good choice - simple to use and robust. Reports peak altitude and has two events.
Ed |
Mark Koelsch
Paul, are you actually referring to a model rocket i.e. an Estes sized bird, or are you referring to a more typical mid/high power bird?
If it is a mid/high power rocket I have used both the Missileworks RRC2, and the Perfect Flight MAWD. I like both. If you are looking for a dual deployment altimeter for an Estes size rocket I think the options shrink a bunch. The Perfect Flight MAWD might work as I think it will fit in a 24mm tube. The other option is a PICO ALT. They are tiny. Mark Koelsch |