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Rocket Launch In Michigan's Upper Penisula
Bill Bertoldi

Total Topics: 26
Total Posts: 31
On September 23 from 10:00 to 5:00 a rain day of September 24 we will be conducting our first high power rocket launch in Michigan's Upper Penisula with the students at Kingsford high School. It will be at a new flight field at the former Groveland Mine near Randville, Michigan. Randville is about 120 miles north of Green Bay, Wisconsin. 20 miles from the Kingsford, Iron mountain Michigan area. More infromation on the launch will be at the following web site

A list of local hotels and camp sites are there as well. NO vendor will be on site and High power rocketry supplies are not sold here. Bring them with you. If there is demand I can make arrangents to have motors sent here and tey to split the hazmat shiping charges with Tim at Wildman rocketry. Please let me know

Pictures of the flight field are there as well as a map to get there. There is also a link to pictures and video of the 62 pound V2 rocket I launched on August 19th at Bong Recreational area. If you have any questions plese feel free to contact me

Bill Bertoldi
709 Hamilton
Kingsford, MI 49802
Cell Phone 906-869-2710
Home phone 906-774-0419

Aug 28, 06 3:23 pm

Total Topics: 35
Total Posts: 44
Bill, thanks I put your V2 up there on the left.
Just Click on it to play the video!

Aug 29, 06 12:32 am
Bill Bertoldi

Total Topics: 26
Total Posts: 31
If you would like more infromation on the launch including maps, a word file can be downloaded here.

information on hotels and campgraounds can be found on the web site.

Aug 31, 06 9:58 pm

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