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lost custom loc/stovi
Alex Zoghlin

Total Topics: 8
Total Posts: 19
hi, i lost a custom loc/stovi in the trees at the last launch. i found the rocket, it was just off a walking path on the right, 40 feet in the air. I don't care too much about the rocket, but it had a 6 grain pro29 case, and a custom gps locator connected at the nosecone. reward for the gps unit, as it took me a long time to build and program. it also broadcasts on a ham band which requires a license, and my custom handheld locator.


Oct 06, 10 9:10 pm
Alex Zoghlin

Total Topics: 8
Total Posts: 19
I was up at bong today. Rocket was out of the tree, but nowhere to be found.

Too close to trail #12 I guess :<

Oct 16, 10 2:27 am

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